
In Adolfo De Carolis’s study.

In Adolfo De Carolis’s study.
ends 3rd november 2024

In Adolfo De Carolis’s study.

Works in the collection of the Cassa di Risparmio di Fermo Foundation.

The quality exhibition season continues at Palazzo dei Priori in Fermo with another great artist from the early twentieth century from the eclectic and multifaceted personality: Adolfo De Carolis. The exhibition presents about 60 works owned by the Cassa di Risparmio di Fermo Foundation, some exhibited for the first time to the public.

After the splendid success of the exhibitions of Antonio Ligabue and Giuseppe Pende, the review “The time of exhibitions” continues at Palazzo dei Priori in Fermo. The exhibition “In Adolfo De Carolis’s study” opened on Sunday 7 July 2024. The exhibition will be open to the public from 8 July to 3 November 2024. It is promoted by the Cassa di Risparmio di Fermo Foundation with the patronage of the Municipality of Fermo, the organization is of Maggioli Culture and Tourism.
The undisputed protagonist of the artistic season that characterizes the panorama of post unitary Italy over the decades between the eight and twentieth centuries, Adolfo De Carolis (1874-1928) has expressed an eclectic spirit that led him to excel in various fields, from painting to decoration , from woodcut to scenography to design, in close contact with the most eminent intellectuals of his time, as evidenced by the long partnership with Gabriele D’Annunzio testified by the dense correspondence preserved at the Vittoriale degli Italiani.

The president of the Cassa di Risparmio di Fermo Foundation, Giorgio Girotti Pucci: “On the occasion of the one hundred and fifty of the birth of Adolfo De Carolis, the Cassa di Risparmio di Fermo Foundation wanted to celebrate the event with an exhibition to which the title was given” Nello Studio by Adolfo De Carolis “, because in many respects, in this exhibition itinerary, the visitor has the feeling of wandering in the artist’s atelier where works of various kinds coexist such as paintings, drawings, engravings, preparatory studies, sketches, notes on Travel notebooks, photographs, packaging projects and for the printing of stamps and banknotes, works that testify to the tireless and multifaceted artistic production of Adolfo De Carolis. A careful selection among the works of the copious collection of the Cassa di Risparmio di Fermo Foundation has made it possible to show off, for the first time in Fermo, important creations of the Master of Montefiore dell’Eso as the “Triptych of the Sea”, recently restored from the University of Urbino. Works that range from the years of training up to the last years of life and that testify to the artistic evolution of De Carolis from the pre -Raphaelite and symbolist suggestions, up to the great commissions in the public buildings of Ascoli Piceno, Bologna, Pisa and Arezzo. We thank the Municipality of Fermo for the kind concession of the exhibition spaces, prof. Stefano Papetti curator of the exhibition and Maggioli Culture and Tourism for the General Organization “.

“Another great prestigious exhibition in the city of Fermo such as the one dedicated to the works of Adolfo De Carolis – the words of the mayor Paolo Calcinaro -. I would like to express gratitude to the Cassa di Risparmio di Fermo Foundation which, in addition to being a careful organism and always close to the territory, can promote with great cultural events of great importance, underlining and highlighting the contribution of characters who have left in the art world An indelible trace, of which we can and we want to enjoy with special initiatives. It will certainly represent another cultural moment that will help make our city known. Thanks to prof. Stefano Papetti who edited the exhibition and in Maggioli Culture and Tourism that coordinates its organization “.
“Even with this monographic exhibition dedicated to De Carolis the limelights on Fermo will light up – said the councilor for culture Micol Lanzidei – who, who has always been suited to cities of culture and studies, could not fail to dedicate an exhibition to an artist of great value and refinement. The merit of this event, which will last until November, is unquestionably goes to the Cassa di Risparmio di Fermo Foundation, which I thank you highly, from whose collection the works come. An opportunity for the city, the territory and visitors who will arrive in Fermo in the summer holidays to immerse themselves in the world of art of De Carolis, appreciate its refined beauty and take advantage to admire the entire city where every corner breathes of culture and history and that this event also contributes to making known

The exhibition represents the central moment of the initiatives promoted on the occasion of the Decarolisian celebrations by the Committee that sees the participation of the municipal administrations of Montefiore dell’Eso, Ascoli Piceno, San Benedetto del Tronto and Fermo.

Museums of Fermo tel. 0734 217140 – Museidifermo@comune.fermo.it